Visionaries Series - Vol.3 Shinway Wang & Agy Ker
SYNDRO,指的是Syndrome, 因為對服裝的喜好就像是一種症候群;音譯成中文後成為“心著”,指的是用心意製作的衣著,一絲一毫都不能留下妥協的餘地。 從布料選擇、至剪裁打版,以及那些讓人由衷讚嘆的精巧細節,都再再呼應其追求真誠與完美的核心精神。未必惹眼,卻必雋永,SYNDRO打造面對潮流趨勢浪頭仍心如止水的經典單品,彷彿穿上了,就能更清楚地看見自己真實的樣貌。
在Max Pittion與JEpoque合作的視覺企劃”Visionaries Series” 第三章,我們走訪SYNDRO位於信義區老巷弄間的工作室,主理人王心偉與Agy分享了一路走來的創業歷程,探討兩人既是工作夥伴也是夫妻的雙重關係,以及關於風格與美的一切。
Based in Taiwan with the intent to build a timeless wardrobe, SYNDRO creates thoughtfully engineered clothes that are less about statement but are given individuality by the person wearing them. From the cuts to the fabric choices, SYNDRO’s meticulously made collections are aesthetically effortless, undoubtedly subtle, but with exquisite details that might make your heart skip a beat.
In Max Pittion’s Visionaries serie Vol.3, we were in the studio of SYNDRO, sat down with Shinway Wang and Agy Ker, the creative minds behind SYNDRO, to talk about their eyes on fashion, their design influences, and how they pursue their dreams by making tomorrow’s classics.

There’re always pieces of clothes in your wardrobe that seem used, or even worn. But they make you feel comfortable wearing them, like they resemble you the best, I think these are the clothes that SYNDRO wants to design.

Since we design based on what we personally want to wear, there are many details that we keep a close tab on, regardless the choice of fabric, the process or even the tiny elements that won’t even be noticed at the first glance. Others might not completely understand, and we even received a “you guys are truly insane!” comment from our Japanese factory, however, we see these as compliments to us.

We are business partners while being husband and wife, so we basically spend the whole day together. Since we get to experience all the good and bad with each other, we slowly discovered a similar set of values.

We enjoy finding ideas from movies, we are constantly inspired by the atmosphere brought out by the costume.

When the market is considered as a pie chart, brands that have similar positioning will be categorized as competitors. However, if we can create extra values from our products and expand our market, we will be able to reverse this obsolete concept.

We are currently focusing on expanding our customer base, starting from Taiwan and slowly make our way to the international market .We have been to Japan and Shanghai, and have had a brief understanding of the market there from our previous visits.

We often see people dressing themselves with branded clothes, however neglecting the importance of hairstyle and accessories like glasses. Wearing a pair of glasses helps bring out the essence of your outfit and it is way more important than we think it is.

Woody Allen and Johnny Depp both left a strong impression in our mind when they wear glasses, it is hard to just imagine them not wearing one.

Agy: I prefer small and rounded frames, they are quirky but cute, and are more coherent with my personality.

Shinway: I am more drawn to the aviator glasses, they are vintage yet unfettered. It makes me feel easy and free.