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Blake Kuwahara // "Jones" Optical Glasses

磨除多邊形的稜角,讓整體視覺效果更為流暢而柔和,Blake Kuwahara “Jones” 光學眼鏡擁有存在感十足、卻不至於搶走佩戴者風采的細緻輪廓線條。獨一無二的圖紋板風格獨具,在不同光源下呈現具有穿透感的色澤。

Blake Kuwahara presents theses “Jones” optical glasses to showcase an unique sense of style. Rendered in a newfangled polygonal silhouette, with the distinctive, hand-picked acetate in multi-color, this pair will make for the perfect visual uplift to elevate your regular edits.


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