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Blake Kuwahara “Gwathmey”

醉心於建築的開合、高低、明暗與光影,視光醫師Blake Kuwahara以特有 “框中框“ 結構讓“眼鏡”這項物件有了深具層次感的質地表現。這款 “Gwathmey” 光學眼鏡以紐約建築巨擘 Charles Gwathmey命名,運用輕盈不鏽鋼裁切而成的框形線條帶出內與外的差異性,也巧妙呼應了新現代主義建築的美學根基。

We felt completely inspired by and drawn to Blake Kuwahara’s “Gwathmey” glasses. Made of stainless steel using negative space as a design approach to create Blake Kuwahara’s iconic “frame-within-a-frame” concept, this subtle pair with architectural purity within perfectly echoes Charles Gwathmey’s neo-Modernism style.

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