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Julius Tart AR / SYNDRO

用心意製作的衣著,每個細節裡藏著對於服裝的眷戀,SYNDRO 創立於2013年,致力於打造讓你穿上時感覺最像自己單品,從本質出發,無論是物料選擇、製作工序、亦或是機能,一分一毫都不能妥協。

SYNDRO 主理人王心偉為我們示範了本季主打款“Heart of Freedom” Smock,經靛藍染而呈現的色澤別具層次,久穿後會產生自然而獨一無二的色落,寬鬆舒適的輪廓與日製棉麻混紡布料流露隨性又自在的風格。

講究配件細節的心偉分別搭配了報童帽與非洲迦納草帽打造兩種造型,眼鏡則選擇了Julius Tart Optical “AR"光學鏡框與墨鏡,重視品牌核心價值的他著迷於Julius Tart背後的歷史故事,以及易於搭配的經典造型。

由心偉親自挑選的 Julius Tart Optical 眼鏡系列在 Syndro House 也買得到👨🏻‍🎨

🧢 SYNDRO “Newspaper Boy” Casquette

👒 Sillage Handwoven Straw Hat

👕 SYNDRO “Heart of Freedom” Smock

👓&🕶 Julius Tart Optical “AR”

Founded in 2013 with one primary intent: to create thoughtfully engineered clothes that withstand the test of time, SYNDRO’s meticulously made collections merge quality fabrics, exquisite tailoring, and functional utility.

Our dear friend Shinway Wang, the creative mind behind SYNDRO, demonstrates the latest collection by SYNDRO and pairs them with Julius Tart Optical’s iconic “AR’ model in both optical glasses and shades. He loves the heritage behind the brand, and how it becomes a perfect addition to his sartorial wardrobe.

A handpicked selections of Julius Tart glasses is also available now at Syndro House.


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