跨越時空的藩籬,MYKITA LITE系列新款圓框LOVISA大尺寸光學眼鏡著眼於七十年代的女性韻味。鏡架正面的鼻樑中空的短橫線為邊框點綴令人驚嘆的餘白,展現摩登而簡練的獨特風格。除了基本款色系之外另有紫銅或粉灰色等時髦惹眼的魅力新色。
Large and ladylike, “LOVISA” from MYKITA LITE Collection are taking Seventies femininity into the future. Distinguished by the mono-line front, the rims between the two bridges add on characters through a subtle trompe l’oeil effect. The chic minimal look gets rounded off with contemporary colour options including Purple Bronze and Pastel Grey.